Thursday, 7 March 2013

Production meeting

The production meeting that we had cosisted of disscussing the editing that we need to do and what we want it to look like. e.g. transistions and tinting.

With the tinting, we want a light blue filter over the sequence because that links in with the colour scheme from our prodcution pitch.

With this blue filter, it makes it look darker than it is, this is the look we are going for to put a darker filter ontop of our scenes to make it emphasise that something bad will happen, it also adds to the feel of the film and looks like it is all hazy to think that maybe it is all just a dream of the protagonist and that maybe it isnt actually real.

Adding fading into our chosen clips will add an extra effect on that they are merged and somehow their lives will collide without them knowing and it will happen fast and without them noticting.

this link shows you to a website that has all different transistions that we would want to use and a video of a example.

Action points:

Bryony M- To look at different colour filters and which would be more suitable
Dionne Franklyn- To find the certain clips that need more tinting than others
Bryony W- to create examples from what Dionne has come up with

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