Monday, 11 March 2013

Music Industry

Distribution is a term that is meant by the moving of physical CD's and merchendise. It is also covered by gig's and live shows and music.

Production is the recording, art work and merchendise designing of the songs and albums from artists.

Marketing of a ablum or a new artist is putting them on music channels(MTV) and playing the songs on popular radio stations. The songs are also promoted by using them on adverts. A example of this would be, Ellie Gouldings Explosions on the advert for ITV, this was then made a popular song as people heard it and wanted to know who sung it.

Consumption of a product that the artist created that people buy or stream. Like buying a CD from a shop or from iTunes.

this is when a record label works with another media company to promote two products simitainiously. This includes sound tracks of films (Avril Lavigne) doing a song for Alice in Wonderland and the song then appears on an Ipod advert. With this each party benifits as all the profits go back to them, they are losing out on anything from another company.

A economic strategy in which comunicates companies, The companies seek financial benifits by marketing various media outlets they own. They "work together" by having the same product distrobution across these different media. An example of this is Simone Cowel, he owns alot of record labels and he tells them what they are going to publish and what they can sell or who they collaberate with.

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