Our production pitch contains our opeing squence details and how we are planning to film it. we presented it to the class and got good useful feedback, this helped as they said we have a good clear structure about what we want to do and what we want it to look like. However we need to focus on where we are going to film it who we are going to cast as our actors and what props we need to use for it. We also need to figure out a message to get across to the audience and how we are going to do that.
We then disscused our next action points for the next meeting, these were:
-to discover a suitable location
-put together a shot list
-produce a final copy of our storyboard.
We then disscused our next action points for the next meeting, these were:
-to discover a suitable location
-put together a shot list
-produce a final copy of our storyboard.
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