Thursday, 11 October 2012

11-10-12- camera film of angle shots

We went out around the school to film angles. We went to the drama block and found a white blank canvas. In out team we had People standing in a position that we could all learn angle shots with, ie. panning, medium close up, close up and a high/low shot. This was helpful as it taught us all the different shots and what the best position for the shots were and why, this also helped us lately with filming our first three scenes of our opening sequence as we really had to think about of angles and what they were portraying to the viewers and what message they would project.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Media Theories

The Hypodermic Needle
- Aduencies are passive and hekerogenous they believe what they see without questioning it.

Two Step Flow
- Realized people were being less passive
-Paul Lezerfeld and Hazel Gaudet cam up with the theory in the 1940's
- They used the presedental election to ask people why they vote for who they do and listen to what they watch
-You filter through the info for thigns you like and ignore the rest
- this diminished the point in veiwing tv in the researches eyes as the limited effects programes.

Uses & Gratification
- People have a choice in what they watch, the diversion this was done bny Blulmer and Katz getting away from life
- You can have a personal relationship and connect on an emotional level to give you support it also gives you a personal identity
-Adding yourself into the tv sho you can connect to it
- Finding out infomation
-The bigger the media gets the bigger the gratification grows (1970's)

Receptiopn Theory
-Stuart Halls modle- 1980 to 1990's
-Endcoding is producing media
-De-coding is how the audiance inturpretates it
-they could produce media for certain gender, class, age, ethnicity. this is known as preddered reading so they get the audiance they want

Media Representation

In order to fully understand how a prefered meaning is created by the makers of a media text you will need to understand the concept of media representations. Remember the term media means being in the midddle or in between things, people and places you seee on TV or in a film are re-presenations of a real person or ecent if it is a documentary or imagined in a piculer way if it is fictonal like a feature film or TV drama ie. Doctor Who, Eastenders, Primevil, Hollyoaks.

The representations are:
Social Class
Regional Identiy
Physical Disability

I will represent all of these using Doctor Who as an example.

He is Male
He is heterosexual
Social Class
Middle Class
Time Lord
Regional Identity
The doctor
Physical Disability

The Orphanage- The Importance of sound

The Orphanage

The sound in The Orphanage is extreamly important because it has to build tension to create the setting this is created with diagetic sound which the characters can hear and then the non-diagetic sounds are the ones the characters cant hear. This is created by using stringed insturmental music, mainly the violin and the chelow, they also show the sound of the dead children which only the medium in one of th scenes can hear.
As the tension grows the higher the note gets this builds suspence on what is about to happen.
However the diagetic sounds remain loud and over exaggerated as the scene where they get a medium to come to their house, her footsteps are loud and the pencil on the paper is very persice. This helps you concerntrate on what is going on in the scene and exaggerates all aspects