Monday, 19 November 2012

Composition Terms

Framing: Can make a scene fast/slow or long/fast. you also don't point the camera directly, to create a image.

Rules of Thirds: Splitting up the frame into thirds can put characters far away from the audience creating mystery  you also want a nine square grind in your mind when you look at the scene through the camera.

Use of Diagonals: Dutch angles when the camera is tilted slightly allows the audience to know when something bad is about to happen and so helps the directer show foreshadowing.

Deep/Shallow Focus: When an object or a character is focused on a shot or long range, this allows the viewers to focus on the selected object or characters or put then into mystery therefore creating more freedom for the viewers to think what they want to.

Focus Pulls: When the camera focuses from one distance to another, good to show the switch in the strongest character or to give the impression of the power shift.

Depth of Field: When the scene has many objects put between the camera and actor to give a scene the sense of depth.

Love Actually recreation

In a group, Izzy, Camille and Bryony and I recreated scenes from the film "Love Actually"

We drew out a story board and then took the camera around school and filmed the appropriate scenes in the best places we could find.

I drew the storyboard as extra coursework and so we used this as the idea, however when it came down to it, we couldnt recreate the storyboard that I did and so we drew a new one but from the same film.

We got all the camera shots that we needed, which were over the shoulder, panning, birds eye veiw. these all helped us get the scenes right and also gave us new understandings on how to use the camera and get the right angles at the right point to emphasis the scene. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

11-10-12- camera film of angle shots

We went out around the school to film angles. We went to the drama block and found a white blank canvas. In out team we had People standing in a position that we could all learn angle shots with, ie. panning, medium close up, close up and a high/low shot. This was helpful as it taught us all the different shots and what the best position for the shots were and why, this also helped us lately with filming our first three scenes of our opening sequence as we really had to think about of angles and what they were portraying to the viewers and what message they would project.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Media Theories

The Hypodermic Needle
- Aduencies are passive and hekerogenous they believe what they see without questioning it.

Two Step Flow
- Realized people were being less passive
-Paul Lezerfeld and Hazel Gaudet cam up with the theory in the 1940's
- They used the presedental election to ask people why they vote for who they do and listen to what they watch
-You filter through the info for thigns you like and ignore the rest
- this diminished the point in veiwing tv in the researches eyes as the limited effects programes.

Uses & Gratification
- People have a choice in what they watch, the diversion this was done bny Blulmer and Katz getting away from life
- You can have a personal relationship and connect on an emotional level to give you support it also gives you a personal identity
-Adding yourself into the tv sho you can connect to it
- Finding out infomation
-The bigger the media gets the bigger the gratification grows (1970's)

Receptiopn Theory
-Stuart Halls modle- 1980 to 1990's
-Endcoding is producing media
-De-coding is how the audiance inturpretates it
-they could produce media for certain gender, class, age, ethnicity. this is known as preddered reading so they get the audiance they want

Media Representation

In order to fully understand how a prefered meaning is created by the makers of a media text you will need to understand the concept of media representations. Remember the term media means being in the midddle or in between things, people and places you seee on TV or in a film are re-presenations of a real person or ecent if it is a documentary or imagined in a piculer way if it is fictonal like a feature film or TV drama ie. Doctor Who, Eastenders, Primevil, Hollyoaks.

The representations are:
Social Class
Regional Identiy
Physical Disability

I will represent all of these using Doctor Who as an example.

He is Male
He is heterosexual
Social Class
Middle Class
Time Lord
Regional Identity
The doctor
Physical Disability

The Orphanage- The Importance of sound

The Orphanage

The sound in The Orphanage is extreamly important because it has to build tension to create the setting this is created with diagetic sound which the characters can hear and then the non-diagetic sounds are the ones the characters cant hear. This is created by using stringed insturmental music, mainly the violin and the chelow, they also show the sound of the dead children which only the medium in one of th scenes can hear.
As the tension grows the higher the note gets this builds suspence on what is about to happen.
However the diagetic sounds remain loud and over exaggerated as the scene where they get a medium to come to their house, her footsteps are loud and the pencil on the paper is very persice. This helps you concerntrate on what is going on in the scene and exaggerates all aspects

Friday, 28 September 2012

Camera Shots in the trailer for Porject X

Brief Synopsis
There is a 16 year old boy Thomas and its his 17th birthday, his friend kooks persuades him to have a 'small' party as his parents go out for the weekend but this party turns out to be a huge that gets out of control and it ends up that his house burns down with his parents finding out.

There are loads of different angles in this trailer as they are trying to get a view of everything that is going on in the shot, the means a lot of bird eye view and high angle shots. this empathizes on what is going on and really makes you feel like you are there.

Camera Shots used and why

The most commonly used camera shots in the tralier for Project X is high angle shots and panning because it helps explain the story line and help capture the audiences attention in what is going on. Because there is so much going on all the time they have about 10 cameras dotted around the location to capture loads of footage and then edit it all together.

To watch the tralier click the link below:

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Camera Shots and Angles

Camera Shots:

Extreme Long Shot
- An extreme long shot is normally used for setting a scene in the opening scene to help the audience to get the full impact of the location and maybe help them see where it is located/time period. 

Long Shot
- A long shot is used to make actors or props look life size in proportion and distance from the audiences perspective.

Medium Shot
- This is when you just focus on an actor/actress or an object, you leave very little background so your full attention is the main focus. This is used to empathize  an emotion or something important that the audience should know. 

Extreme Close up
- This magnifies some detail that the naked eye would normally pick up, this could be used in certain films for clues about a mystery or to reveal certain emotions from the mouth or eyes. 

Over The Shoulder
- This is when there are two people standing and one is looking over maybe having a conversation, this portrays a different view from someone else's eyes. This shot is normally head shots and a close up to empathize any emotions.

Camera Angles

High Angle Shot
- A high angle shot is always placed above the scene to increase suspense and to elevate action scenes.

Low Angle Shot
- This is placed usually on the ground tilted upwards making the characters or objects bigger than normal, showing power. This is also useful in horrors as it empathizes the monster/bad guy. 

Camera Movements

- This is when the camera is placed on something with wheels as it follows the scene horizontally. This is used when people are meeting or fighting. 

- This is used to create high and low angle shots, you use a tripod to move the camera up and down to create different moods and different ways to portray the scene. 

Thursday, 13 September 2012

The Orphanage Opening Scene

The Orphanage

Director: Juan Antonio Bayona
Screen writer: Sergio G. Sánchez

We watched the opening scene of The Orphange, we watched it for the first time and tried to pick out bits on Charater, Location, Gerne and Relationships. The first time we saw this we only saw the basics like how many children were there, what the scene looked like and then how it changed when the shot changed to inside the house.

The second time we watched it we payed more attention to every detail and picked up on alot more like tone and scenary and body language.

To watch the tralier of The Orphanage click here: 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Sup people

I am taking Media AS and this is my blog, I will be putting up posts about films I've watched with reviews and my oppions on new yand other media related posts that I think are interesting or something that I have learnt in a lesson, I will be making podcasts about things and post images and web links for different related subjects.

Peace out.